Jackson is blessed with an amazing daddy. Chris is so good with his "little man". He changes diapers, warms bottles, reads stories, watches the Braves on TV, takes Jackson on field trips to Home Depot... and did I mention he does most of this on his own while I'm working at night? I don't know what we would do without him!
Jackson had his first pool trip. It was cold!
"Mama, why are my toes so cold?!"
Jackson and his Uncle Nick.
Jackson entertained the family this weekend. He showed them such "tricks" as rolling over and sitting (mostly) on his own. Babies are so much fun. His Great Granddaddy is enjoying him here.
Jackson loves his beautiful Aunt Stacey. Wish our visits were more frequent!
One thing I remember about growing up is my mom laying down with me at night and listening to my prayers. "Now I lay me down to sleep..." I am excited that Chris and I will be able to continue this with our own little boy. There is a song/prayer that I learned when I went on a mission trip to Scotland in college. It brings back great memories for me and I have loved singing it to Jackson at night when I'm putting him to bed. I'll leave you with this prayer and hope that your week is so good!
"Father we thank you for the night,
and for the pleasant morning light.
For food and rest and loving-care.
For those who make the day so fare.
Help us to do the things we should,
to be to others kind and good.
In all we do in work or play,
to grow more loving every day."