Friday, June 29, 2012

Five Months!

Our sweetest boy, at five months...

  • You are rolling all over the place...back to front, front to back.
  • You are LOVING your bath. You kick, kick, kick, and chew on your bath turtle.
  • You are sitting up unassisted! You still need plenty of padding around for when you get tired, but those muscles are getting strong!
  • You sleep 9.5-10 hours per night. You are not regular on your naps yet, but we will take all the nighttime sleep we can get!
  • We can hand you a cup or a spoon and you know what to do with them! You don't get much more than a little water other than breastmilk right now, but you're practicing up!
  • You are a giggling machine! We love doing whatever we have to do to get you started. 
  • You smile at everyone. You don't meet many strangers. 
  • You love your Sophie Giraffe.
  • You are still not great friends with your car seat. Some trips you are quiet as a mouse, others you make sure and sound the alarm!
  • You save some of your biggest smiles and giggles for your Daddy. You love when he comes home from work. 
  • You love chewing on those toes!
  • You have the sweetest disposition. You smile and goo and coo and can entertain yourself on your mat or exersaucer for longer periods of time. You are still a cozy snuggler and like to hold our hands or rest your little hand on our cheeks. You are quite amazing to us and we are  so blessed to be your Mommy and Daddy. 
"I thank my God every time I remember you."

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