Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Year, A New Week

"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."  ~Author Unknown

My nice long Christmas break is coming to a close.  I have school registration on Thursday and class starts next week!  My last semester of nursing school!  That thought is both exhilarating and terrifying.  I'm going to be a nurse?  Whoa.
I'm glad I have these couple of days off before school starts to get my bearings about me.  I have lots to do-not to mention a root canal on Wednesday.:( That is NOT the way I had imagined starting the year.  I wrote about some possible resolutions for this new year a couple of posts ago.  I have decided that my goals this year will be about developing new HABITS.  Resolutions soon fall by the wayside, right?  Habits become a way of life.  I like the quote above because it outlines the way that habits-good and bad-are developed.  I am also reminded of the Fruits of the Spirit which are character traits that I would like to allow God to develop in me as well-Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, & Self-Control.
Although there are more, these are three of the habits that I am determined to develop this year:  

#1:  Be in His word DAILY.  
I love to read and sometimes many times my pleasure reading replaces my Bible reading.  My goal is to be in His word every day in some way whether through a study book or reading through the Psalms.  Along with that I would like to develop a better habit of prayer.  

#2:  Exercise!
I actually really like to exercise.  It makes me feel good and I love its effects.  I have, however, gotten out of the habit.  These days, with school, I have limited time for exercise.  However, I'm going to make it a priority to exercise 30 minutes a day at least 4 days a week.  That's totally doable.  I've got my new yoga mat and DVD and I'm gonna get moving!

#3.  Eat Right!  
How many of us make this our goal?  I've decided I'm not going on a "diet".  I'm making changes in the way I eat and what I eat.  I bought this book by Candace Bure, aka DJ Tanner which is about reshaping the way you make choices and make priorities.  It is all about physical and spiritual fitness.  I want to make eating right a habit for myself as well as for my family.  

So those are just 3 of the habits that I want to form and keep this year and through my life.  I know that these will help me to feel better and work toward being the person that God wants me to be.  Feel free to ask me about any of these during the year.  I certainly need accountability!  I would also value any tips or advice you have about any of these habits that you have formed yourself!


  1. Great ideas! I'd like to borrow Power of a Praying Wife when you are done??

  2. I like the idea of habits rather than resolutions. You have picked out some great things to focus on! 2011 is going to be a good year. :)
